Solvation Science alive:


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Girls & Boys Day

On April 27, 80 students visited the ZEMOS research building as part of Girls & Boys day

The idea that science is only a profession for boys should be a thing of the past, and yet still more boys than girls choose a career in research.

RESOLV therefore invited schoolchildren to see how modern research works on the occasion of the nationwide girls and boys day. This day is intended to give girls the chance to get a taste of typical boys' professions and to give boys the opportunity to get to know so-called women's professions. Over 80 interested students, 40 girls and 40 boys, signed up to learn more about solvation science and the profession of scientist

With a scientific scavenger hunt, the students could explore the state-of-the-art research building ZEMOS in small groups and learn from the scientists in RESOLV what it means to be a researcher.  After an introductory talk by RESOLV spokesperson Martina Havenith, the children were given maps on which they could find their way through different laboratories with riddles. In the process, they learned about low-temperature setups, laser physics, and biotechnologies.

Leading actor: the solvent

Solvation Science and RESOLV featured in magazine Chemie in unserer Zeit

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