RDM Task Force

The Research Data Management (RDM) Task Force was formed to develop a sustainable strategy to organize, structure, store, care and (re)use RESOLV research data. The aim is to exchange research data easily and efficiently in the context of RESOLV via integrating it into an overarching FAIR data strategy. To this end, we develop tools that enable a simple data flow between the individual sub-projects, that are sustainable and that support the gain in knowledge. In addition to the infrastructure, FAIR data management is advised and practically supported by data stewards and curators for all RESOLV members. The RESOLV RDM initiative is framed by regular workshops and training courses
The RDM Task Force consists of four representatives of the RESOLV research domains Synthesis, Spectroscopy, Engineering, and Theory and a representative of an institutional central RDM unit.


The following people are currently part of the RDM Task Force:

Head of RDM Task Force:

Head of RDM Task Force:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kast
Theoretical Physical Chemistry
TU Dortmund

Domain representative Synthesis

Domain representative Synthesis

Prof. Dr. Viktoria Däschlein-Gessner
Inorganic Chemistry II
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Domain representative Engineering

Domain representative Engineering

PD Dr.-Ing. Christoph Held
Biochemical and Chemical Engineering
TU Dortmund

RDM Consulting

RDM Consulting

Dr. Olaf Kletke
Head of Department RDM
TU Dortmund

Domain representative Spectroscopy

Domain representative Spectroscopy

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kruss
Physical Chemistry II
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Domain representative Theory

Domain representative Theory

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kast
Theoretical Physical Chemistry
TU Dortmund


The RDM Task Force gets additionally support from:

Domain Executive Synthesis/Spectroscopy

Domain Executive Synthesis/Spectroscopy

Dr. Elric Engelage
Organic Chemistry II
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Tel: +49 234 32 24533
Email: Elric.Engelage(at)rub.de

NFDI4Chem representative

Nicolas Tielker
Theoretical Physical Chemistry
TU Dortmund
Tel: +49 231 755 3906
Email: Nicolas.Tielker(at)tu-dortmund.de    

Domain Executive Engineering/Theory

Dr. Patrick Kibies
Theoretical Physical Chemistry
TU Dortmund
Tel: +49 231 755 8750
Email: Patrick.Kibies(at)tu-dortmund.de




Dr. Julia Nowack
Cluster of Excellence RESOLV
RUB/TU Dortmund
Tel.: +49 234 32 27240
Email: Julia.Nowack(at)tu-dortmund.de