Solvation Science ALIVE

Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures


RESOLV is a cluster of excellence within the German Excellence Initiative (DFG code EXC 2033). RESOLV is short for Ruhr Explores Solvation, it has already been funded during the period 2012-2018. RESOLV's second funding period officially started in January 2019. Within the Cluster, a growing number of scientists successfully investigate the role of solvents in the most diverse processes, thus laying the foundations for innovative green and smart solutions. RESOLV’s logo is a blue stylised water ripple.


Million eur funding

The German Federal Government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia support RESOLV with 41.7 Mio. EUR (47 Mio. USD) for the period 2019-2025. RESOLV researchers collect further funding for solvation related research, for example from the DFG, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the European Research Council (ERC).



RESOLV currently enlists about 200 scientists (professors, independent researchers, postdocs, and PhDs) from over 50 research groups in 6 institutions. Our scientists cooperate with leading international scientists from over 20 partner institutes worldwide. 


New professorships

Since its inception in 2012, RESOLV appointed 26 new professorships. 30% of those positions going to female scientists, reflecting RESOLV's commitment to diversity and equity.



RESOLV scientists have so far published more than 1900 articles on refereed journals. More than 400 of them appeared in Nature, Science, JACS, Angewandte, PNAS, PRL. More than 440 involve at least 2 RESOLV groups. More than 90 are cover papers.


Honors and awards

RESOLV scientists so far collected more than 200 prizes, among them one Nobel Prize, 24 ERC grants, 4 Leibniz Prizes, Max Planck fellowships, the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, and the Humbold Research Prize.


Talks at international conferences

RESOLV scientists so far responded to more than 650 invitations to give a presentation (keynote or plenary) at international conferences.