Highlight Publications

Aug 2024
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Local Solvation is Decisive for Fluorescence of Biosensors

Nanotubes can serve as biosensors. They change their fluorescence when they bind to certain molecules. Until now, it was unclear why. Researchers have gained new insights into the cause of the fluorescence.

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Aug 2024
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Converting homofarnesol into ambrox

Nature: RESOLV PI Benjamin List and his team discribe a process of converting homofarnesol into ambrox, using a special catalyst that ensures the reaction happens in a specific, controlled way.

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Aug 2024
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Cover Picture: The structure-giving role of Rb+ ions for water–ice nanoislands supported on Cu(111)

Phy. Che. Che. Phy.: RESOLV researchers characterize the effect of rubidium ions on water–ice nanoislands in terms of area, fractal dimension, and apparent height by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy.

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Aug 2024
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Cover Picture: Coupling of Aryl Chlorides with Lithium Nucleophiles Enabled by Molecularly Defined Alkynyllithium Palladium Catalysts

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: Coupling of Aryl Chlorides with Lithium Nucleophiles Enabled by Molecularly Defined Alkynyllithium Palladium Catalysts

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Jul 2024
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Cover Picture: Decarboxylative Ketonization of Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids in a Continuous Flow Reactor Catalysed by Manganese Oxide on Silica

Chem. Sus. Chem.: Decarboxylative Ketonization of Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids in a Continuous Flow Reactor Catalysed by Manganese Oxide on Silica

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Jul 2024
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Producing Hydrogen and Fertilizer at The Same Time

This new concept could allow the needs of previously separate industries to be combined.

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Jul 2024
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Cover Picture: Solvation Properties of Neutral Gold Species in Supercritical Water Studied By THz Spectroscopy

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: Gold clusters in supercritical aqueous solutions exhibit strong interactions with the solvent, resulting in the formation of well-defined metal-water solvation complexes.

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Jun 2024
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Paving the Way for Hydrogen from Algae Enzymes

J. Am. Chem. Soc.: A research team from Bochum has identified a crucial detail that’s essential for the production of hydrogen using biocatalysts.

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May 2024
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Cover Picture: Tuning Acid–Base Chemistry at an Electrified Gold/Water Interface

J. Am. Chem. Soc: RESOLV Scientists have found new paths to steer and optimize electrochemical processes. Their novel understanding of processes on electrified surfaces opens up new possibilities.

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Apr 2024
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New Ways to Fine Tune Electrochemistry

RESOLV Scientists have found new paths to steer and optimize electrochemical processes.

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