RESOLV celebrates the Day of Women in Science

We celebrate the Day of Women in Science with an event full of interesting presentations and lots of space to share experiences. Everyone is invited to participate, we look forward to seeing you!

On 11 February, the United Nations, partners worldwide, women and girls will mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The Day focuses on the reality that science and gender equality are both vital for the achievement of internationally agreed development goals. Since the 11th is a Sunday, we decided to celebrate early, and because there is a lot to speak about, we made it a two-day event!

The event will focus on highlighting female scientists and their scientific work as well as adressing issuse in gender equality in the community. The program will include lectures by international speakers, networking and interesting discussions on the general topics of equality and diversity.

Since the penal discussion at last years event was so successful we have again invited speakers from industry and academia and are looking forward to discuss with you.

We will break all the barriers within the framework of networking and will be able to ask interesting questions to the speakers as part of the panel discussion. We will combine and share with you the experiences of industry and academia. The speakers of both "sides" (industry and academia) will tell their own stories and tips on how to combine work and personal life and how to deal better with daily and ordinary life issues.

Please register until the 15th of January 2024.

When: 8th-9th of Feburary 2024

Where: ZEMOS

The Program includes

Highlight: "Your career compass"

Coaching by Andrea Och: Your career compass - Define your goal. Many people have a rough idea of what they want, but don't turn it into specific objectives that motivate them to take action. They just have dreams. In this interactive presentation, we playfully develop how you can derive concrete goals from dreams and desires that give you a clear direction. So that you can go through life with self-determination. This is especially true for professional goals. Because if you don't follow your own goals, superiors, colleagues, customers and your private environment are guaranteed to pursue their own goals and quickly exploit your passivity for their own interests. Create your own career compass. Make a conscious decision in favour of something you really want. Find supporters. Actively seize opportunities and keep going. The best time to do this is now!

About last year's event

RESOLV celebrates the Day of Women in Science 2023

Day of Women in Science

11 February is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

"In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, the United Nations General Assembly declared 11 February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in 2015"

- United Nations 

MUST/RESOLV Gender and Science Meeting 2022